This is my tribute to my 13 year old self I hope somewhere she is safe and happy inside me. I always wanted to be a cool scene or emo girl, but never had the opportunity to because there were no cool stores near my hometown. I was scenemo on the internet instead, and now that I'm old enough I can finally live my old dream.

I know that if I learned how to code back then I wouldve made a website that looked similar to this... Probably more gaudy though LOL....

Hot pink wasn't really a huge color in any of the communities I hung out in. People were more into turquoise, red, purple, and rainbow, which you can see if you look at old scenemo pics. hot pink was a staple accent color, but pages like this that are 100% one color were kinda seen as posery and cheap looking... It's a surefire way to see if a pic is more modern or a true peak scenemo era image.

Please take some time to hover over the graphics to learn more about my childhood!